Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week 1 Day 4

Wow, I can't believe it has been 4 days already!

I am having problems with cravings at the moment, it is that TOM and I am craving Peanut Butter big time!?! Normally it is chocolate but I'm not going to complain! I have been making healthier choices over all and I'm quite pleased with how things are going. Normally I have given up after a couple of days and I have been tempted but I just tell myself that I will not sabotage my efforts by eating crap! I have been going on the treadmill at home and trying to run till I get puffed out. at first I could do about a minute but last night I did 6.5 minutes at 8kph and I was pretty puffed out but very excited also!! My aim is to increase it slowly till it is running for 30 mins or more, then I will start running outside. That is my ultimate goal.

At the school assembly today they had a group of mums and teachers (all female) that had just completed a triathlon on Sunday and I was so envious of them. I think it would be great to do something like that. They have a little Marathon here that you can do 5 kms or 10 kms walk or run. I should go in it next year, it would be quite fun. If I train and lose weight it would definitely be achievable. I will have to make that one of my goals.

I went to Maccas with my 2yr old daughter today and I had a lean beef burger and a Strawberry Frappe 99% Fat Free. It tasted great!! I would normally avoid eating that kind of stuff because if it's healthy, it must taste like crap!! But I was very pleasantly surprised! It used to be a Big Mac, with fries and coke upgraded (of course!!) and maybe an ice-cream or 2 as well! So you can see why I would be a bit dubious about going there and why I was so impressed with the meal! The total for the meal was: 461 cals, 8.2gms of Fat and carbs 74gms. The carbs were quite high but I am still quite happy with the meal over all.

Anyway I have lost about 0.3gms so far, which isn't much but I have had a few off plan items such as milo and peanut butter, so it was to be expected. My aim for today and tomorrow is to do 8mins running on the treadmill, more water and NO peanut butter. So far today it is going along great :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Is like masturbation, in the end you are just f**king yourself!

That little charming quote is the story of my life..... I'm one of those 'I will do it tomorrow' girls, that drives everyone crazy, hell I piss my self off with my procrastinating! So today I have FINALLY made the decision to lose weight. HEALTHILY!! That is the killer for me. Everytime I go on some crazy crash diet lose a few kilos and then stop it and put it back on (and some!) Well not anymore. I am going to do it the old fashioned way. Hard work, eating right (coz lets face it we all know how to eat healthy but most of us don't choose to) and the hard earned reward at the end of the week!! I am actually feeling pretty optimistic about it, surprisingly. Maybe it was just time for me to do something?? I was going to wait til after xmas this year but after much thought I decided that there will always be something happening that will be 'to difficult' to eat right at.

So it's the end of the day and I haven't keeled over from the shock of healthy fruit and vege ;) I am feeling really great at the moment. At first i was really hungry but I was expecting that so I filled up on fruit and salads. I did have a few bad things today, such as Crunchy Light Peanut Butter on Celery, 1/2 can of Kole Beer and a low fat milk milo. However I think they were a lot healthier alternatives, compared to chips, chocolate and lollies!! So I'm not that upset about it.

My totals were:

Calories: 1480
Fat: 52.2
Protein: 81.2
Carbs: 170.9

Exercise: 440 cals burnt (10 min walk to shops and 32 mins on treadmill)

Well, any tips and encouragement would be very appreciated as I am flying solo at the moment :)